Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Fleece lined hat

A work in progress, Caleb has requested a fleece lined hat with his company's name stitched to the front. Let's just say it'll be done in time for next winter:)

Promised Sign

The Bosman lake house sign is nearly complete. Must make sure I spell everyone's family name correctly and the lake community that is Blackberry Lane in Hayward, WI will have a readable sign. I didn't give myself a whole lot of time to work on this project and I misplaced my tracing letters for one of the names, but all in all I am pleased and enjoyed this project. I presents my husband's parents with it Christmas day and Caleb and I will be driving it up to Hayward this weekend.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Curtain Hanging Stress

I don't plan on putting any expletives in this post, but be glad you weren't around to witness the shower of words that resulted from hanging curtains. There are many household projects that are hard to tackle, those ceiling fans I've been painting? Basically anything that involves teeny tiny screws just sends me over the edge. I want to know how Handy men can handle this. I mean they have much larger fingers than mine, being men and all, you would think that those little screws and tight spaces would be beyond them. I tell myself it comes with experience, but that experience is hard won for sure! I am happy with my curtain rod install job and would love to put up pictures, but am currently looking for my cord in order to download them. So I will describe my living room as it is coming together. We started back in the summer before we got married with tiling the floor with a beautiful gray/multi colored tile. It picks up greens, blues and pinks in the sunlight. I chose a pale robin's egg blue for the walls and hung the same color curtains striped with gold. We have huge windows in there and so light is constant making the room cozy instead of cool. Best tip I can give for hanging your curtains: be sure you position the rod with one grommet in the curtain on the opposite side of the bracket. This way you don't see the bracket at all, just curtain and rod. (pictures will show detail better)

Keep creating, Christmas present for in laws will be completed this week!!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Beginning

My husband will be proud. He is a huge supporter of my starting my own arts and crafts business someday. I felt that I might start by blogging as a way to keep track of my projects and keep motivated by looking back at the things I have done. I just got married two and a half months ago and so now for the most part my creative projects focus around the house. We're on a budget of course and spray paint is my new best friend when it comes to fixing up my home. That tacky gold ceiling fan is now an updated hammered bronze finish. Easy as pie and a good excuse to clean those bad boys after the years of bachelor neglect. I plan to post pictures as I go and show the progress as our house becomes our own. I tend to enjoy projects that are easy, inexpensive and turn out beautifully. I won't want to show off or sell anything that is any less.